Sunday, September 14, 2008

Parking Lot Art

Ah, the glamorous career of the artist. Here's an example... I set up shop at the Market Bazaar in downtown Savannah yesterday. My "booth" was 2 parking spaces in the old Sears parking lot just south of Forsyth Park. (You'll notice my Toyota as part of the displays.) Vendors showed a mix of handmade art and flea market items. The day was hot, hot, hot - really hot. I was happy to see friends and family that stopped by and to reconnect with others I miss seeing since I closed my retail shop. All in all it was a very good - if very hot- day.

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Chihuahua on Canvas

Chihuahua on Canvas
16 x 20 (SOLD)

Crabby Ornament

Crabby Ornament
Blue or red, $18.00 each